Industries We served

Industries and operations Shah Engineering excels at for power rentals and solutions.

Where you need us, when you need us

01. Manufacturing

Helping manufacturers find creative ways to enhance their processes and overcome cooling, power, dehumidification and heating challenges.

02. Pharmaceuticals

Impeccable products & services for right temperature control, reliability of processes & cleanliness. Solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, supply chain & storage, medical facilities, & labs.

03. Oil & Gas

Providing unrivaled expertise in designing temperature control / Cooling Solutions and Power Solutions so that all upstream, midstream and downstream operations are handled smoothly.

04. Refinery & Petrochemicals

Providing safe, reliable, modular & mobile cooling and power rental services & solution to debottlenecking the process glitch and increase production & also provide productive & cost-effective solutions for easy turnarounds & aging equipment challenges to keep the plant functional.

05. Shipping

Helping you to continue satisfying your cooling & power requirement while sailing with specialised systems to support ship’s Cooling and Power requirement as well during routine maintenance or testing.

06. Events

Putting up for you a spectacular show to support your ‘larger than life’ events by providing comfort cooling & backstage power setups & power-control units behind the curtain.

07. Contracting

State-of-the-art, engineered solutions for cooling, power, heating and drying needs on construction sites to enable faster project completions.

08. Construction

Well-built and maintained infrastructure is one of the metrics to define the growth of any country. The Indian construction industry accounts for 8% of India’s GDP and is the second largest industry here.

09. Food & Beverages

Power and cooling solutions for moisture and temperature control equipement to help keep food and beverages safe from contamination.

10. Facility Management

Providing backup generators, heating and cooling solutions for emergency power outrage, natural calamities and more to avoid temporary shutdowns.

11. Mining

Our equipment offers much-needed back-up for power supply & temperature maintenance in a stressful atmosphere in the mines, thus improving the production & work efficiency of the mineworkers.

12. Telecommunications

Supporting installations and maintenance to power and temperature emergencies for a good network system.

13. Data Center

Specialised Data Centre solutions to avoid disturbance due to unavailability of cooling and power availability issue due to equipment failure, failure at source, etc.